{Review} Lioele - Multi Seaweed Gel

23:05:00 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi everyone,

I'm back again! How has your week been?  I'm still bitten by the "Korean bug" even though it has been 2 months since I last visited the country.
I received a Korean skincare product which was given by Beauty In The Eyes in my goodie bag a few weeks back when I attended their soft launch event. You can read more Here.
Lioele (pronounced: Lee-oh-eh-lee) is another Korean beauty brand that I'm starting to adore because of the super-cute packaging! Based on my research, they don't have any retail stores like other popular Korean beauty brands, but their products can be purchased from their online stores and some Korean beauty portals too. I have to say that I don't remember seeing their retail outlets when I was in Seoul. That doesn't mean the brand isn't popular.  My personal view is that they are probably not venturing into the retail scene in a big way. 

Well, as least there is a reliable Korean beauty supplier - Beauty In The Eyes - that sells their products here in Singapore!

I'll let the photos do the talking now!

Lioele Multi Seaweed Gel
The exterior packaging

The fragrance is very mild - not strongly scented. Don't worry, it doesn't have a seaweed smell!

Use the spoon provided to scoop the gel out, for hygiene purposes!

Spread a small amount on the forehead, cheeks, nose & chin.

Gently massage and blend onto the face.
Look at the hydrated texture on my face - and it doesn't leave a STICKY feeling! Super loving it! 

The texture of the seaweed gel is super-duper light and watery. You can actually see it dripping the moment I spread it on!

After blending
Absorbed into my skin really fast!

This multi seaweed gel can act as a moisturizer for your face and body! It is suitable for all skin types, especially those with dry skin like me. It prevents the skin from ageing faster and also rejuvenates it.
The gel contains 90% seaweed extract and is highly hydrating!
 For those who don't like to put on layers of skincare cream, you can opt for this seaweed gel.
I tried applying it before putting on my sunblock and makeup. Surprisingly,  my makeup lasted the whole day without any need for touching up and the gel did not make my face feel oily, even after long hours!
You can get Lioele Multi Seaweed Gel from Beauty In The Eyes online store at only $20.95!
I would highly recommend that YOU girls go grab one and try it today!  It's cheap and good!
Such products are hard to come by.

Here's the Link to buy the gel!
Hope you find this information useful!

See ya all soon!
